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Summer Camps


Say goodbye to the boredom blues with KIDS ChaChaCha’s summer camps! We offer affordable camp programs for those kids who are not in school, camps during the school breaks, and of course camps specialized for the summer months that will thrill your child, boost confidence, encourage creativity and keep them occupied with high-quality activities!

We focus on creating a safe environment for kids to explore and learn. And our award-winning curriculum is tailored to the needs of each age group. This means your child will learn at an appropriate pace while interacting with children of similar ages.

Nature summer camps.

Spanish and Nature an Immersion summer camp
kids can get creative with dirt, sand sticks, and stones, we encourage the kids to get creative with natural -readily available materials and recyclable materials.

Best Summer Camps get ready this summer we will be messy, with clay, paint, mud, water and so much more.


Ages: 5-10 Years Old
Cost: $355/week
Multiple Weeks: $325/week
Siblings Discount: 25%

Jun 5-9
Nature art.

Jun 12 -16
Cool Science experiments.

June 19-23
Water pistol painting + spray paint fabric.

June 26- 30
Mandalas, Rocks, and nature stiks painting.

Jul 10 -14
Sand + creative sand painting +clay creations .

Jul 17-21
Magical Carnival Week

Jul 14-28
Going Green

Jul 31 – Aug 4
Beat the Heat

We will also have daily outdoor play activities music, dance, and history time in English and Spanish.

Please label your child’s belongings.
Campers should bring a snack, lunch, and a water bottle.
Campers should dress in comfortable clothes, including shoes appropriate for the playground.

Book a slot and let your child experience our programs

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